Sunday, 5 February 2012

Plague Monks

As promised - updates! I finally got some painting done today with the help of a friend who joined me for some banter while we painted. It was my first time painting with someone else in the room and it made it so much easier to keep going; banter always helps! Thanks PB, you're the man (as manly as an elf player can be anyway)!

Today I painted the bases of my 20 Plague Monks and got some paint on one of the monks. The bases aren't finished but the unit looks a little better with some defined colour on the base.

This Monk is not finished, I still need to highlight and finish the basing but I'm happy with how he turned out. Hopefully I'll get the other 19 ready to join him soon!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Getting Back on Track

To my legions of fans out there (yes I'm talking to you 3!) I'll be posting some more updates soon.

Work on my Skaven halted for a while due to a new baby which has selfishly been hogging all my time but I'm hoping to get some painting done this week while my paternity leave lasts ;)

Watch this space.